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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • I Used to Hate Taking Profile Pictures
  • 2021-10-07 hit.16,245
  • Writer : Lee**

Reason for Surgery

Ever since I was young, I had braces due to my lantern jaw. Since I did it when I was too young, I developed malocclusion and I could feel that it was getting worse. In order to get braces again, I went to different dentists but I was told that I needed surgery. A few years ago, I went to consultations at several plastic surgery hospitals and dental clinics and was told that if I keep pushing back surgery, it could get worse. That is why I decided to get surgery!



I’ve always had a long face and was teased for it when I was young. Even when I was staring blankly, people thought I was angry or was in a bad mood since my expression didn’t look good T__T. I was constantly told that I looked like I was in a bad mood which caused me stress. Also, I always covered my mouth when I smiled…


Reason for Choosing EU

I wanted to hear about double jaw surgery and how it can improve my problems in detail. I went to almost all the clinics that were famous with their procedure, but they all explained double jaw surgery briefly so I ended up pushing back my decision to get surgery. Soon, I found out about EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. The consultant explained everything in a kind manner, and Dr. Kim answered all of my questions clearly and in detail. My trust for the clinic went up 100000%.


Operation Day

As soon as I opened my eyes, I was in my recovery room. I was sleepy but since I had to breathe out the anesthesia gas, I was told I couldn’t sleep. Whenever I tried to sleep, my mom would wake me up. I felt pain and I think it was due to my jaw and when I tried to drink some water, it was too difficult to swallow it. The overnight nurse would come in constantly to check up on me and to change my ice pack.


3 Days Post-OP

I couldn’t sleep properly since I had to sit upright on the bed. I received post-op treatment in the morning and consumed the new care that the clinic provided. Then, I was getting ready to get discharged. In my opinion, I’m not as swollen as I thought I would be. I thought opening the eyes after surgery would be difficult due to the swelling, but it was not to that extent. But my lips were really swollen. I tried to take my medicine with a bottle of New Care but since my throat was swollen, it was difficult to swallow it. I hope 1 weeks passes by quickly.


7 Days Post-OP

People say that the first week is difficult.. which is right. It’s difficult to drink one can of New Care, and taking the medicine is the most difficult process. I tried to break it into small pieces and swallow it every 2~3 hours. Sleeping is also difficult. After one week, a lot of the swelling decreased. But my cheeks are still quiet swollen. Whenever I look into the mirror, my face looks like a square due to the swelling which is funny. LOL.


14 Days Post-OP

I’m still very swollen but after the stitch removal, I feel much better. I’m able to eat a few more types of foods now. I can eat porridge and steamed egg! Also, my friends said that I don’t look like I’m in a bad mood when I relax my face. Everyday, I look at the mirror and take pictures. I used to hate my side profile but now I love it!~ I’m curious to see how I will look when my swelling decreases.


21 Days Post-OP

The swelling on my cheeks decreased and I can open my mouth to some extent. My face looks different which is cool! After surgery, I have a habit of looking into the mirror everyday. I consume porridge and noodles (cut into small pieces) and pumpkin extract for my swelling. I’m going on walks and doing the jaw exercises. While doing the jaw exercise, my jaw felt a bit stiff T__T.


50 Days Post-OP

Chewing food is still feels awkward but I can open my mouth wider than before. I should probably do the jaw exercises more frequently. The swelling that made my face look square has decreased a lot. Also, I’m regaining the weight that I lost after surgery.. Even when I wear a mask, people around me can tell that my face changed.


74 Days Post-OP

I think my swelling is almost gone now. People around me find it fascinating to see how much I changed and ask me how I got prettier. Eating is much more comfortable now compared to before. I was told that I will be able to eat regularly soon which makes me happy. Dr. Kim gave me a new life!~


103 Days Post-OP

After 3 months, I was told that I can eat anything that I want. That’s why I’m starting to re-gain weight. I was craving meat for a long time and now that I can finally eat it, I’m very happy! The swelling is almost gone so I look much more natural. I wasn’t able to see my jawline well due to the swelling. Now, it’s getting more visible! The screws inside of my mouth got removed and I don’t have to use rubber bands anymore so now I feel really comfortable~~


145 Days Post-OP

It’s been over 4 months and my face looks natural LOL. Before, my face would look awkward when I talked but it’s not like that anymore.


6 Months Post-OP

It’s been almost 7 months. Time sure does fly by. It feels like it hasn’t been that long since I got my surgery, but I can’t believe it’s been half a year! For my double chin, I was told that getting a “shurink” procedure will be effective so I received treatment. I used to hate taking pictures of my side profile, and now I can take pictures with confidence!


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